Anxiety, Depression, & Loss of Identity

| 50 Minutes |

For many people, feeling lost can be a defeating experience that ripples into every area of life. I’m here to remind you that from this point, you get to go in any direction, you get to be the next version of yourself - whatever you want that to look like. If you don’t know what you want, where you want to go, or who you want to be, it provides you with the opportunity to create, envision, and implement that next part of life for you. We are left feeling disconnected from ourselves for a variety of reasons, lack of fulfillment, unhealthy relationships, societal pressures, expectations of what life is “supposed” to look like, and so much more. When sitting in this space, it’s important to acknowledge the pressure to be someone other than who you are, or who you want to be. Overwhelm is typically a product of these pressures that provoke feelings of stuckness, sadness, isolation, and disconnection. Not only do we pull away from community to protect ourselves, but at times, we pull away from ourselves for protection as well.

The journey back to one’s self can take time, there is a lot of exploration and trial and error because you are getting to know THIS version of yourself. The versions that existed before you today played a role in who you have developed into, but have you taken the time to get to know this version? What about the previous versions, did you get to know them? We tend to shy away from parts of ourselves because of shame, guilt, disgust, pain, and anger; the longer we ignore these parts, the more disconnected we feel from ourselves. Meeting these parts can be daunting and exhausting which is why I reiterate that we move through sessions at your own pace - this is where we create safety in order to unravel and take down the masks you wear day to day in order to access the connectedness available to you.