Relational Challenges

| 50 Minutes |

Relationship turmoil, whether it be with a partner, friend, coworker, or loved one - the stress of a relationship can disrupt a handful of areas in life. When you’re not feeling supported, seen, heard, or valued in the ways you’d like or need, it can leave you feeling dysregulated. This experience is not an uncommon one, however, the way in which you dissect the relationship itself and address the concerns/issues is very much an individualized experience. We are flooded with books and podcasts that promote “do this” behavior but sometimes, that’s just not enough. Therapy provides a dedicated space where we get to see how your emotional and relational patterns have formed and why they may be subconsciously attracting people that leave you feeling a certain way.

If you often align with people -pleasing behaviors, this might be a space for you. Somewhere along the line, it became easier to shape-shift in order to make those around you more comfortable. In our work together, we will address what is actually causing you to engage in relationships this way and examine how this may be leaving you with more struggle and pain. I know setting boundaries can sound scary because it might jeopardize the relationship, however, consider that the relationship isn’t operating authentically because you aren’t able to show up comfortably. We navigate this area delicately because these behaviors once kept you safe and wired your brain to believe that we have to do this with many or most people. I strive to illuminate that your needs matter, your joy matters, and you deserve to put yourself